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the QUick Energy Simulation Tool

Something for everyone...
Imagine a building energy simulation tool comprehensive enough to be useful to ALL design team members, yet so intuitive ANY design team member could use it, in ANY or ALL design phases, including schematic design. eQUEST is well named because it provides something the you’ve been looking for, but have been unable to find … a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use building energy analysis tool. With eQUEST, you’ll be able to provide professional-level results in an affordable level of effort.

Evaluate today’s building technologies … at the speed of today’s design process…
eQUEST was designed to allow you to perform detailed analysis of today’s state-of-the-art building design technologies using today’s most sophisticated building energy use simulation techniques but without requiring extensive experience in the 'art' of building performance modeling.

eQUEST = enhanced DOE-2 + Wizards + Graphics
This is accomplished by combining a building creation wizard, an energy efficiency measure (EEM) wizard, and graphical reporting with a simulation 'engine' derived from the latest version of DOE-2. Reliable detailed simulation has never been easier!

eQUEST was initially supported as a part of the Energy Design Resources program which was funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Southern California Edison, under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.Download the eQUEST 3 Overview (~1.9 MB PDF) for a summary of eQUEST features and capabilities.

eQUEST Training
Under varied sponsorship we schedule eQUEST training sessions on a regular basis; you can check for currently planned sessions by clicking here. Other organizations also sponsor eQUEST training that we do not have information about; try a google search or ask on the eQUEST-Users or BLDG-SIM group. Participating on the eQUEST-Users and BDLG-SIM is also a good way to read and participate in discussions of eQUEST modeling methods and issues as well as topics in other areas of building energy use simulation. Visit to see other related discussion groups.

eQUEST Version 3.65 Download:

Current Release (build 7175 dated 4 October 2018, posting date 11/02/2018, installation file size ~127 MB):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.65 installation for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP. This release installs both the standard and refrigeration versions of eQUEST. This release is a Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) file format. Due to the large file size of the .msi do not open or run the installation package from within your browser. Download the .msi file to your hard drive then execute the file from your hard drive - to do this select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and select 'save link/target as'.

eQUEST must be installed while logged in as the user who will use the program. The installing process must have administrator permissions to install programs. If the installing user does not have permissions then the administrator name and password are needed to provide the install process with the required permissions. The instruction for non-administrators and windows home users to install eQUEST MSI packages are here.

For descriptions of changes to the eQUEST user interface version read this document.

For details on the enhancements made to the DOE-2.2, 2.2r and 2.3 simulation engines since version v3.65 build 7175 without downloading and installing the release you may review the following documents:
  • Bugfixes-050a.pdf describes comulative through DOE-2.2 standard version 50a simulation engine bug fixes
  • Bugfixes-Rfg-52p.pdf describes comulative through DOE-2.2r refigeration version 52p simulation engine bug fixes
  • DOE-2.3 Documentation, Volume 6: New Featuresdescribes DOE-2.3 version 50h simulation engine enhancements
  • Bugfixes-048y.pdf describes comulative through DOE-2.3 version 50h simulation engine bug fixes
Documentation for the DOE-2.2 standard version 50a, refrigeration version 52p, and DOE-2.3 version 50h as also contained within the online help installed with this eQUEST release, can be downloaded in PDF format using the links below or visit the DOE-2.2 page. Due to file size, it is best to save these files to your hard drive (right click on link then 'save link/target as') prior to opening them.

Volume 2: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary(complete description of standard version BDL Language)

Volume 2: DOE-2.2r Language Dictionary(complete description of refrigeration version BDL Language)

Volume 2: DOE-2.3 Language Dictionary(complete description of DOE-2.3 version BDL Language) Visit the DOE-2.2 page for additonal DOE-2.3 documentation.

An option on the Tools menu allows the selection of either DOE 2.2 or DOE 2.3 at next eQUEST start-up.

Previous Release (build 7173 dated 16 April 2016, posting date 4/16/2016, installation file size ~100 MB):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.65 installation for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP. This release installs both the standard and refrigeration versions of eQUEST. This release is a Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) file format. Due to the large file size of the .msi do not open or run the installation package from within your browser. Download the .msi file to your hard drive then execute the file from your hard drive - to do this select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and select 'save link/target as'.

eQUEST is Qualified Software for Calculating Commercial Building Tax Deductions first enacted under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT), later extended by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and most recently extended and modified by the PATH Act of 2015. eQUEST 3.65 is qualified, effective 19 October 2016, for buildings placed into service on or after to January 1, 2016; eQUEST 3.63b is qualified, effective 9 September 2009, for buildings placed into service prior to January 1, 2016. The requirements for software to be qualified for use in these deductions were first covered by IRS Notice 2006-52 and then amplified by IRS IRB 2008-14 and again clarified by IRS IRB 2012-17 with further guidelines provided by DOE and added DOE guidelines for buuildings placed in service in 2016 and later.The submission packages, including ASHRAE Standard 140 testing, can be found here.

eQUEST Version 3.64 Download:

Previous Release (posting date: 8/25/2010, ~53 MB):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.64 installation for Windows 7/Vista/XP (and previous versions of Windows dating back to Win98). This version contains the current standard eQUEST release. Due to the large file size of the setup.exe we suggest that you download the program to your hard drive (select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and 'save target as') rather than opening or running the installation procedure from your browser.

Owing to MS Windows 7 security considerations and to facilitate installation within military and corporate IT environments, eQUEST files are now installed by default into your ‘My Documents’ folder (the installation option ‘Just Me’ is now the default.)

For details on the enhancements made to eQUEST and its DOE-2.2 simulation engine since version v3.63b please review the following three documents:

  • DOE-2.2 Documentation, Volume 6: New Featuresdescribes DOE-2.2 simulation engine enhancements
  • Bugfixes-047h.pdf describes DOE-2.2 simulation engine bug fixes
An updated eQUEST 3.64 Tutorial self-training guide is also available; this document is included in the eQUEST installation package above.
25 August 2010 our eQUEST 3.64 submittal was approved by the California Energy Commission for approval as a 2008 Title 24 non-residential ACM for use in new construction/additions projects.

Documentation for the DOE-2.2 version 47h2, as contained within the online help for this eQUEST release, can be downloaded in PDF format using the links below or visit the DOE-2.2 page. You should save these files to your hard drive (right click on link then 'save target as') prior to opening them as they are each several megabytes in size.

Volume 2: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary(complete description of BDL Language)

Volume 5: DOE-2.2 Compliance Analysis(covers modeling topics related to the 2008 Title 24 Compliance Analysis)

eQUEST Version 3.63b Download:

Previous Release (posting date: 7/03/2009, ~45 MB):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.63b installation for Windows Vista/XP (and previous versions of Windows dating back to Win98). This version contains the current standard eQUEST release. Due to the large file size of the setup.exe we suggest that you download the program to your hard drive (select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and 'save target as') rather than opening or running the installation procedure from your browser.

Update from 3.63 Release (posting date: 7/03/2009, ~2 MB):Download an 3.63b update to the eQUEST version 3.63 full installationThis update can only be used on a complete eQUEST 3.63 (build 6500) release dated 5/13/2009 or later. We suggest that you download the update program to your hard drive (select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and 'save target as') rather than opening or running the installation procedure from your browser.

NEW: Effective 9 September 2009, eQUEST is Qualified Software (eQUEST 3.63b) for Calculating Commercial Building Tax Deductions first enacted under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT) and later extended by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The requirements for software to be qualified for use in these deductions were first covered by IRS Notice 2006-52 and then amplified by IRS IRB 2008-14 with further guidelines provided by DOE.The submission packages, including ASHRAE Standard 140 testing, can be found here.

Owing to MS Vista security considerations and to facilitate installation within military and corporate IT environments, eQUEST files are now installed into a different directory location when compared to previous releases. To install eQUEST project and data files in your ‘My Documents’ folder, select the installation option ‘Just Me’. For details see the eQUEST 3.63b Installation & Testing instructions.

For details on the enhancements made to eQUEST and its DOE-2.2 simulation engine since version v3.61b please review the following three documents:

  • eQUEST-v3-63b_Update-Summary describes eQUEST enhancements and bug fixes
  • DOE-2.2 Documentation, Volume 6: New Featuresdescribes DOE-2.2 simulation engine enhancements
  • Bugfixes-047d.pdf describes DOE-2.2 simulation engine bug fixes
An updated eQUEST 3.63 Tutorial self-training guide is also available; this document is included in the eQUEST installation package above.eQUEST 3.63b has not yet been submitted for Title 24 certification so if you are planning to use eQUEST for Title 24 submittals you should retain the standard 3.6 release and allow 3.63 to install in its default location.

Documentation for the DOE-2.2 version 47d, as contained within the online help for this eQUEST release, can be downloaded in PDF format using the links below or visit the DOE-2.2 page. You should save these files to your hard drive (right click on link then 'save target as') prior to opening them as they are each several megabytes in size.

Volume 2: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary(complete description of BDL Language)

Volume 3: DOE-2.2 Topics Manual(covers modeling topics related to the BDL language)

Volume 4: DOE-2.2 Libraries Manual(contents of standard DOE-2.2 libraries and reports)

eQUEST Version 3 (California Title 24 compliance release) Downloads:

Note on Title 24 Compliance utilizing eQUEST: eQUEST 3.6 and D2comply 3.6 were approved by the California Energy Commission as a 2005 Title 24 non-residential ACMs; these releases were approved by the CEC at their 11 April 2007 business meeting.

NEW:On 23 December 2009 eQUEST 3.64 and D2comply 3.64 were submitted to the California Energy Commission for approval as 2008 Title 24 non-residential ACMs. These versions will be released once the CEC has reviewed the application and determined if modifications are required for approval.

Archive Title 24 Compliance Release:Download a complete eQUEST version 3.6 installationfor Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This version contains the standard eQUEST release only. (new posting date: 3/9/2007, ~26 MB)You may uninstall versions older than the 3.6 release version before installing this new version; you may retain the 3.5x version (by allowing this new release to be installed into its default directory.)The main differences between 3.6 and 3.55 are: updates to the Title 24 rule processing; inclusion of the latest DOE-2.2 (version 44d3) which includes bug fixes and new features. For short descriptions of the primary new features read this document. eQUEST 3.6 HAS BEEN APPROVED by the California Energy Commission as a 2005 Title 24 non-Residential ACM; this eQUEST 2005 Title 24 non-Residential ACM was submitted to the CEC for certification 12 August 2006 – it was approved by the CEC at their 11 April 2007 business meeting. This version must be used for any Title 24 permit submissions.

DOE-2.2 Archive Compliance Release:Download a complete D2comply 3.6 installation - The DOE-2.2 based California 2005 Title 24 “compliance only” engine. D2comply 3.6 ISapproved by the California Energy Commission as a 2005 Title 24 non-Residential ACM; it was submitted in August 2006 to the CEC for certification and approved at the 11 April 2007 CEC business meeting.Best mac simulation gamesThis is the DOE-2.2 component contained within eQUEST 3.6 to perform Title 24 compliance analysis; third party developers can use this package to build additional certified tools. Download D2comply for compliance only analysis; for full standard DOE-2.2 use you should obtain a standard release version of DOE-2.2 NOT this version. D2comply accepts any valid DOE-2.2 BDL file that includes all required compliance information (see DOE-2.2 Manual Volume 5) and performs Title 24 compliance analysis. If you have eQUEST 3.6 you do not need D2comply. (posting date: 3/9/2007, ~11 MB)

eQUEST Tutorial ( “walk through” self-training guide) previous version:

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Download the eQUEST 3 Tutorial (version 3.40). (posting date: 10/28/03, ~6 MB)
Note: The eQUEST Tutorial download is a self-extracting executable that contains a document in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). Adobe's freeware Acrobat Reader product can be used to read and print this file. Click on the 'Get Acrobat Reader' graphic below to download this software.

eQUEST 3.6 DOE-2.2 Simulation Engine Documentation files:

DOE-2.2 Manuals

Volumes 1-6 are fully contained within eQUEST 3.6 as online help so these files are not needed unless you prefer a PDF or you are using a previous version of eQUEST or the “stand-alone” version of DOE-2.2

DOE-2.2 Reports and Modeling Quality Control Concepts

(The DOE-2.2 Reports-and-QC download is a ZIP archive that contains a set of three documents in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) and example eQUEST/DOE-2.2 input and DOE-2.2 simulation results output; the documents provide an explanation of the detailed DOE-2.2 output text results file.):

DOE-2.1A Engineers Manual (theory and algorithms of calculation for the original DOE-2 program - out-of-date but most of the concepts are still used in DOE-2.2 - LOADS calculation is very similar, air-side HVAC is similar but improved, water-side HVAC is completely new but has some similar approaches):

ASHRAE Standard 140 test results for DOE-2.2/eQUEST (compares well, similar to DOE-2.1E)

Note: The DOE-2.2 Manuals are in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF.) These documents (as with other documentation files for DOE-2 and eQUEST) use PDF version 1.5 (Acrobat or Acrobat Reader version 6) and may not be opened with versions earlier than 5; to update your Acrobat Reader go to the adobe site for the free download. These manuals contain details of the DOE-2.2 Building Description Language (BDL) created and displayed by the eQUEST user interface as well as the descriptions of all DOE-2.2 output reporting capabilities. This document is the basis of the eQUEST on-line help system but contains a more complete and up-to-date description of the details of the DOE-2.2 version within the current release of eQUEST.

eQUEST Version 3 Version Archive (previous releases) Downloads:

Archived Release (posting date: 5/14/2009, ~44 MB):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.63 installation for Windows Vista/XP (and previous versions of Windows dating back to Win98). This version contains the current standard eQUEST release. Due to the large file size of the setup.exe we suggest that you download the program to your hard drive (select save after left clicking the link or right click on the link and 'save target as') rather than opening or running the installation procedure from your browser.

Owing to MS Vista security considerations and to facilitate installation within military and corporate IT environments, eQUEST files are now installed into a different directory location when compared to previous releases. To install eQUEST project and data files in your ‘My Documents’ folder, select the installation option ‘Just Me’. For details see the eQUEST Installation & Testing instructions.

For details on the enhancements made to eQUEST and its DOE-2.2 simulation engine since version v3.61b please review the following three documents:

  • eQUEST-v3-63_Update-Summary describes eQUEST enhancements and bug fixes
  • DOE-2.2 Documentation, Volume 6: New Featuresdescribes DOE-2.2 simulation engine enhancements
  • Bugfixes-047b.pdf describes DOE-2.2 simulation engine bug fixes
An updated eQUEST 3.63 Tutorial self-training guide is also available; this document is included in the eQUEST installation package above.eQUEST 3.63 has not yet been submitted for Title 24 certification so if you are planning to use eQUEST for Title 24 submittals you should retain the standard 3.6 release and allow 3.63 to install in its default location.

Documentation for the DOE-2.2 version 47b, as contained within the online help for this eQUEST release, can be downloaded in PDF format using the links below or visit the DOE-2.2 page. You should save these files to your hard drive (right click on link then 'save target as') prior to opening them as they are each several megabytes in size.

Volume 2: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary(complete description of BDL Language)

Volume 3: DOE-2.2 Topics Manual(covers modeling topics related to the BDL language)

Volume 4: DOE-2.2 Libraries Manual(contents of standard DOE-2.2 libraries and reports)

Archived Release:Download a complete eQUEST version 3.61b installation for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This version contains the standard and refrigeration eQUEST release. (posting date: 10/20/2006, ~31 MB)You should retain the standard 3.6 version and allow this release to be installed into its default eQUEST 3-61 directory.The main differences between this 3.61 and the 3.6 version is the inclusion of new skylight and daylighting modeling capabilities and the refrigeration version. A descriptions of new features in this version can be found the first section of DOE22Vol6-NewFeatures_44e2.

Latest update to above Release :Download DOE-2.2 version 44e4 for eQUEST 3.61b update this optional update corrects known bugs and adds new features to the complete 3.61b release posted above. The complete 3.6 release must be installed prior to installing this update. This update is cummulative and may be install over previous 3.61b updates. To install this update download and unzipthe archive (or extract its contents) into the directory where version 3.61b is installed being careful to retain the sub-directory location of all files (extract using folder names) so that each file in the archive over-writes the original one by the same name from the 3.61b release. (posting date: 2/16/2007, ~9.4 MB)

Added documentation for the DOE-2.2 version 44e4, as contained within the online help for this eQUEST release with its above update, can be downloaded:

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DOE-2.2 version 44e4 Bug Fixes (See Volume 6 below for new features);

Volume 2: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary (complete description of BDL Language):

Volume 4: DOE-2.2 Libraries Manual (contents of standard DOE-2.2 libraries and reports):
Volume 6: DOE-2.2 New Features (describes the new features in DOE-2.2 that were added since version 40):
Weather Simulation Software Download Mac

Archived Release (eQUEST 3.56, DEER 2.1 version):Download a complete eQUEST version 3.54 DEER installation for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This version contains the standard and refrigeration versions of eQUEST.You must install this complete release then apply the update listed next. This version can be used, after the 3.54 to 3.56 update listed next is applied, to re-create the residential and non-residential weather sensitive energy savings results found in the CPUC official 2.1 version of the DEER database. This version can also be used for complete building energy analysis as with any version of eQUEST. (posting date: 7/19/2005, ~26.2 MB)You may uninstall versions older DEER release versions before installing this version; you may retain the older version (by allowing this new release to be installed into a different directory.)Download the eQUEST version 3.54 to 3.56 DEER update (Full update to DEER 2.1 – eQUEST 3.56 – release) This update requires DEER version 3.54 to already be installed on your system. Download this to your hard drive then extract it into the eQUEST DEER 3-5 directory to complete the update; be sure to check that the installation path matches your eQUEST DEER 3-5 directory path and that “use folder names” is selected (so that the path names within the archive are retained) before extracting the update. (posting date: 10/14/2005, ~12.6 MB)

Archived Release:Download a complete eQUEST version 3.55 installation for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This version contains the standard eQUEST release only. (posting date: 4/20/2005, ~19.6 MB)You may uninstall versions older than the 3.55 release version before installing this new version; you may retain the 3.5x version (by allowing this new release to be installed into a different directory.)The main differences between 3.55 and 3.54 are: updates to the Title 24 rule processing; inclusion of the latest DOE-2.2 (version 44c3) which includes bug fixes and new features. eQUEST 3.55 was approved by the California Energy Commission as a 2001 Title 24 non-Residential ACM on 4/27/2005; the eQUEST 3.6 2005 Title 24 non-Residential ACM (posted above) is not yet certified by the CEC..

Archived Release:Download the eQUEST version 3.55 refrigeration version add-on for eQUEST version 3.55. This add-on contains the refrigeration version of eQUEST.This version is only for modeling supermarkets and refrigerated warehouses and other facilities having refrigeration systems as a major energy consuming feature; since refrigeration equipment and refrigerated spaces are exempt from most title 24 requirements, this version has not been submitted for certification (and is not planned to be, at this time) as a Title 24 ACM.This version can perform detailed simulations using user configured (defined and interconnected) models of refrigerated display cases, low-temperature refrigerant driven AHUs, racks of compressors or ammonia chillers with their controls, condensers, and refrigerant (including brine) circulation loop, plus the standard DOE-2 packaged DX HVAC systems.This version DOES NOT contain all the standard DOE-2.2 chilled/hot water HVAC systems that are not commonly found in refrigeration dominated facilities; use the standard version of eQUEST to analyze those facilities. (posting date: 4/27/2005, ~4.6 MB) You must have the complete standard version of eQUEST 3.55 installed (above) before you can use this add-on package to install the refrigeration version into your eQUEST 3.55 installation directory.You can also download the additional DOE-2.2 documentation for this version here: Volume 2R: DOE-2.2 Language Dictionary: Refrigeration Version

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DOE-2.2 ArchivedRelease:Download a complete D2comply 3.55 installation - The DOE-2.2 based California 2001 Title 24 “compliance only” engine. D2comply 3.55 was approved by the California Energy Commission as a 2001 Title 24 non-Residential ACM on 4/27/2005; the D2comply 2005 Title 24 non-Residential ACM (posted above) is not yet certified by the CEC.This is the DOE-2.2 component contained within eQUEST 3.55 to perform Title 24 compliance analysis; once certified, third party developers can use this package to build additional certified tools. Download D2comply for compliance only analysis; for full standard DOE-2.2 use you should obtain a standard release version of DOE-2.2 NOT this version. D2comply accepts any valid DOE-2.2 BDL file that includes all required compliance information (see DOE-2.2 Manual Volume 5) and performs Title 24 compliance analysis. If you have eQUEST 3.55 you do not need D2comply. (posting date: 4/20/2005, ~9.6 MB)

Note: eQUEST 3.55 is approved by the California Energy Commission as a 2001 Title 24 non-residential ACM on 4/21/2004; Title 24 capabilities and documentation are listed in our ACM Certification Application and the DOE-2.2 Manuals, particularly Volume 5: Compliance Analysis.

Related Downloads:

View the eQUEST download areacheck this area of other items of interest or directly access the above file from a directory listing.

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We provide complete licensing for eQUEST source and executables.These licenses can be purchased to allow the development and distribution of new applications based upon eQUEST and/or DOE-2.Licenses are available for development and distribution of both single user PC’s as well as for network server based products.You can click on these links to download and view samples of the eQUEST derivative works, source and distribution licenses for desktop PC’s and/or desktop PC's and network servers.

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To obtain a CD, send your request and $55US (add $5US for Canada, $10US outside North America) to James J. Hirsch & Associates, 12185 Presilla Road, Camarillo, CA, 93012-9243, USA.

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Thank you for showing interest in eQUEST!

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Copyright © 1998-2009 James J. Hirsch. All rights reserved.